Saturday, December 10, 2011

Anybody know where I can get the headlight assembly to fit a 96 suzuki gsf 600 N bandit?

I bought a GSF 600 S with the fairing but the bike was laid down before I got it and the fairing was scraped up so I want to turn it into the N style without the fairing cause I think that looks better anyway. I was thinkin I could just find a used light and mount for the N version but Im having trouble finding one, any help would be appretiated thanks.|||link bellow...bit steep though...serch ebay and ask sellers what they have got|||If it were me, I would go to a local salvage yard and get one. Or I might try doing a search for "motorcycle salvage yards" on the internet, and then try inputting just what you want. Be sure it will work, as anything yo buy will not be returnable-of course it could always be resold.

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