I bought this 2000 suzuki bandit from a private seller. The ad description said that it had been fully synced and the carbs were recently cleaned.. It was alse suposedly looked at by a well known shop. The owner also said that this bike had been sitting for about 3 and a half years. This bike only has 4000 miles and it ran great for the first month.. now it only stays on when tha choke is on, and the knob that regulates the idle doesnt do anything when turned. What could be the problem?|||Probably has a clogged passagway in the carbs or an airleak into the carbs, (it runs WITH THE CHOKE, right) Probably he spent a bunch of money on the carbs and didn't clean the fuel sytem, or the previous mechanic was inept.
So, try this, pt about a gallon of fresh gas into your tank. Go to the Autoparts store, buy 2 cans of sea foam, open the first one up and pour it into the tank. Ride it back home, let it sit, and soak your carbs, then ride it around the block fiully warmed up, and if it's not right, park it again, over night, repeat as necessary.
IT should clean the tank and carbs sparkling clean, in a couple of days, IF the problem was it sat with bad gas. If the Problem was actually rust/debris in the jets this will not clean it up. If so, and its not clean by day four, Give UP and take it to the dealer, and have their man tear into the carbs. If it DOES work, it will be remarkable how well it runs and how well it saves you a great sum of money.
The second can? I imagine I hear you say.
Treat your own gas, fill the tank up and pour an ounce or two of Sea Foam into the tank, and you can park it for a year with no repercussions.
Or just pour the second can in...
If the sea foam does a good job a year is all a fuel stabilizer is good for, it may not make it any better with twice as much, but it MIGHT.
and you have a full can, anyway...|||Probably, the carbs are scaled up with plaque from sitting plus a tune up. You will have to remover the carbs and take then in for a proper cleaning (including disassemble). Plus its ready for a tune up. The bike sounds worth it though.
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